Mini Project


As one of the evaluations for your final grade, we will conduct a short exam. Please look at the about grading evaluation about further details. Please refer to the exam questions and answer sheets of 2011 .

Final Assignment(Mini Project)

For your final assignment, we encourage you to make a website in groups of 3-4 people.

We have already learned the basics of programming and how to use web services to some extent. By combining various Web services, you should have the skills to develop various programs. Let’s develop a program here with the intention of reviewing everything we have learned so far.

The program you create can be anything that uses JavaScript and Web services. You can make games, useful tools, information graphic sites, quizzes, instructions, blogs or anything else you wish to do. Please create a page that mentions that the project is a collaborative effort is done by everyone in the group.

Depending on the class, we may even allow you to work on the project independently. Please follow the instructions given to you by your teacher. Evaluation is done for each individual. When finalizing the presentation, please clarify who was in charge for what, and what percentage of work was done by each member.

When doing a project in a group, everyone must create a program. We do not evaluate things like “I took a picture”, “I wrote CSS” or “I created HTML”. We are judging you on your JavaScript ability so divide your JavaScript program into various functions and have one person write the code for each function.

Follow the instructions below to create.

  • The minimum requirement of the mini project is as follows.
    • Create a web page using JavaScript.
    • Use conditional branching.
    • Use loops.
  • Also please implement two or more from the following.
    • Use an array or a hash.
    • Use sensor information.
    • Use mashup.
    • Use library.

Themes and design

In order to develop software, we must first decide clearly what to make. First make a site mockup to decide roughly what site to make. It may be good to just design the web page in HTML first. Detailed specifications will be revealed once you do so. What HTML elements you use, what is displayed in the HTML elements, what happens when you enter characters in the text area, what happens when you press the button are all things that you will discover once you write the HTML.

If you clarify what happens when you type a letter in the text, what happens when you press the button, you will understand exactly what will happen. It is nothing but the design of the software structure. We will divide “what happens” into parts for each function and extract common parts that can be used. Let’s clarify what kind of web service you will use at this stage.

In order to develop a program as a team, the interface of each parts part must be clear. More specifically, clarify the data structure and function arguments. How do you express data in a program in a program? Is it passed by function call or global variable? What is the server side programming? It is also important to clarify what functions are doing. If you define that a function called add (x, y) is a function that adds the value of x and the value of y and returns the result, you do not mind seeing from the outside whatever its contents are implemented It is a translation.

In doing all this, you can clearly point to what part of the JavaScript program refers to a specific part in the HTML code. As a result, you will be able to decide who is responsible for what and where to proceed with the development clearly. If you are going to be responsible for the whole project, prepare the skeleton of the program proceed from there. For those who are supposed to be responsible for individual functions, develop the function, as well as develop a program that tests the function. In developing a larger program, it is usual for another person to be responsible for the development and testing of the program, but if it is on this scale, the number of people will be insufficient to do that, so developers = testers is good.

Program development

Using the script element

Basically, as described above, divide the software into parts parts, decide the developer for each part and develop the program for each part. The next question is how to combine the developed parts into one. In the case of JavaScript, you can load JavaScript programs prepared by others by using the script element. For this reason, you can prepare the JavaScript program as an independent file, and you can summarize it as a single software by loading it from the page that summarizes the whole.

What do you mean to prepare a JavaScript program as an independent page? In an information-based lesson, we created an HTML file that ends with .html under the public_html directory and created a Web page. In the same way, you can create a JavaScript program as an independent file using an editor and place it under public_html so that it can be read from other pages. Using this, we will be able to proceed independently with multiple people development.

For example, if a person with a login name of t00000aa puts a JavaScript program in a file called public_html / JS / sample.js, others can read the program as follows.


<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Final Report

On the final day of this class, we will hold a presentation where you will demonstrate your project in front of the rest of the class.

In the presentation, please explain not only the superficial things like what you made, but also the contents of the created program. Please use a flow chart for easier explanation.

In addition, evaluation is done for each individual, not for each group. Please explain exactly what each member was in charge of.